
Official Company

(en) City Build - officially registered company. We have been deeply specialized in trading cryptocurrency assets since 2014 and use proven strategies to make profits. Most cryptocurrency assets are characterized by high volatility. The use of shorts and longs allows our team to profit during price fluctuations. We comply with all applicable national and international laws, regulations and conventions in the countries where we do business and adhere to good corporate governance practices. We value transparency in all transactions, compete fairly and only do business with partners who follow relevant laws and comply with our company s requirements. We always strive to be leaders and strategically planning our development for the years ahead helps us not only in our aspirations, but also our company business. (ru)City Build - официально зарегистрированная компания. Мы глубоко специализируемся на торговле криптовалютными активами с 2014 года и используем проверенные стратегии для получени

Развитие 2021- 2029

(en) Our offer for investors. Using years of experience and professionalism of our traders in trading on various digital exchanges, as well as the use of competent trading strategies, we have developed an innovative offer with a fixed and guaranteed interest rate, with simple conditions of withdrawal of received dividends. Management of trading processes is brought to perfection in I.n.c City Build and steadily increases the level of profit of our investors. When you entrust us with your assets, you entrust them to the best professionals in the field. In our work we use only cutting edge good strategies (ru) Наше предложение для инвесторов. Используя многолетний опыт и профессионализм наших трейдеров в торговле на различных цифровых биржах, а также использование грамотных торговых стратегий, мы разработали предложение с гарантированной процентной ставкой, с простыми условиями вывода полученных дивидендов. Управление торговыми процессами доведено до совершенства в I.n.c. City Build и не
Международная официальная компания. Платформа предлагает услуги приумножения капитала для каждого клиента, независимо от его статуса, дохода или страны проживания.Company I.n.c City Build:: 100% SIGN UP NOW! Перейти: : City Build - Официальная компания.Регистрация в проекте..Make usd! Жмите далее...